
Legal Disclaimer

No Attorney-Client Relationship.  This website is designed solely for the purpose of providing information about Braden, Thompson & McQueeney, LLP (“the Firm”) and its attorneys and staff.  The access to, and use of, this website does not create an attorney-client relationship with the Firm and its attorneys, nor does contacting the Firm establish an attorney-client relationship or privileged communications.  The Firm will not accept new clients without both ensuring that the Firm is authorized to render the requested legal services, and investigating whether the representation of a potential client would constitute a disqualifying conflict of interest.

No Confidentiality.  Although the Firm will strive to protect all electronic communications, confidential information should not be transmitted through this website, but should instead be disclosed only after scheduling an appointment with the Firm.

No Guarantee of Results.  The information that is published on this website is intended to offer insight into the Firm’s activities and qualifications, as well as disclosing positive experiences that clients have enjoyed with the Firm.  Nothing on this website should be construed or interpreted to guarantee or promise any specific outcome or result on a particular matter.

No Legal Advice.  This website includes general analysis about various legal developments and issues.  All material is published for educational and informational purposes, and should not be construed as legal advice on any particular issue or occurrence.  The outcome of each matter depends on a wide array of circumstances that must be individually assessed before rendering any specialized determination or recommendation.

No Relationship to Third-Party Websites.  As a matter of convenience, this website may include links to various third-party websites.  The Firm does not maintain any control over third-party websites, nor does the Firm adopt or endorse the information that is set forth therein.

No Unauthorized Practice of Law.  The jurisdictions in which each attorney is licensed to practice are set forth on the attorney’s individual biography.  The Firm’s ability to render legal services beyond the stated jurisdictional limits is subject to various rules and statutes.  The Firm will analyze its ability to render the requested legal services prior to establishing an attorney-client relationship.

Responsible Lawyer.  In accordance with Rule 19-307.2(d) of the Maryland Attorneys’ Rules of Professional Conduct, the Firm’s Managing Partner, Patrick E. Thompson, is responsible for the content of this website and the information that is set forth herein.